Horse Blanket Cleaning & Repair

West Lebanon, NH

Horse wearing a blanket

Keep Your Horses Cozy and Clean.

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Blankets 50” and up......................... $38.00

Blankets 50” and up......................... $38.00

Blankets under 50”........................... $25.00

Blanket Waterproofing..................... $20.00

Hood or Neck Clean........................ $10.00

Hood or Neck Waterproofing........... $10.00

​All boots and polo wraps (pair)........ $10.00

English saddle pads......................... $10.00

Western saddle pads....................... $15.00

Misc. items are priced by size starting at $10 and up.


Minimum charge is $25, average repairs between $25 and $55. All blankets will need to go through a standard wash before any repairs can be made.

Quality Blanket Cleaning and Repair With...

Tack Shack LLC

Tack Shack LLC