Chick Ordering
West Lebanon, NH

2025 Chick Days are HERE!
Poultry Ordering Information 2025
Our poultry-ordering program for baby chicks and other poultry is designed so that you can pick a delivery date that works best for you. Simply choose the delivery date that you would like and call or come in to our store to place your order before the respective order deadline. There is no deposit required for ordering birds; however, all orders are finalized and cannot be changed once the order deadline has passed. At that point your birds will be scheduled to hatch. Please see store for complete details. Click the PDF link (below) for bird descriptions and pricing information.
PLEASE NOTE: Chicks must be picked up at
West Lebanon Feed & Supply in West Lebanon, NH.
5/8 DELIVERY NOW CLOSED: Due to high demand, we are no longer accepting orders for this date. Available delivery dates: May 22, June, July, and August.

More Information
We offer a wide variety of birds so that you can choose your flock based upon your goals. Entire orders are subject to minimum quantities (by species: chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.), but we invite you to mix-and-match within those species. Pricing and breed availability does vary from year to year, so we encourage you to contact our store directly for the most up-to-date information. Due to the nature of the ordering process, non-refundable deposits may be required on specialty, limited/rare, and exotic breeds. See store for details.
Bird Sexing and Ordering Details
Please note that most of our laying chicken breeds come sexed as females unless otherwise specified (e.g.- Cornish-Rock Cross meat birds are straight run for larger yields; in addition, certain limited breeds are available as straight-run only). Any sexing that is available will be performed by the hatchery and does not necessarily guarantee the sex of the bird. Baby chicks are typically available for delivery each month from April through July; turkeys, ducks, and guinea fowl are typically available in May only (program could vary from year to year). See store for order deadlines, pricing, and availability.
Canceling Orders
We can accept changes to orders up to the order deadline for each respective poultry delivery date. Once the deadline for your order date has past, the hatch has been scheduled and you are committed to the order. At that point we CANNOT cancel your order and you are responsible to pay for and pick up the birds. In some cases, a non-refundable deposit may be required on certain specialty or rare/limited breeds.
Important Note About Poultry Breeds
New regulations in New Hampshire require that our store maintain certain records related to the sale of live poultry. Please see the store for the most up-to-date requirements. Please note that, while the information above provides a reasonable indication of what is available, breed varieties may vary and are subject to availability. We do everything we can to provide the breeds as specified but when it comes to live animals, there are certain factors throughout the process that are beyond our control and may affect availability without notice. For the most up-to-date information on breed selection, availability, and other requirements, please contact our store directly.
Chicken - Layers
Females (4 Bird Minimum)

Standard - Barred Rock
$3.99 ea - Old fashioned black & white bird w/ top egg production. High customer rating for production. (Brown egg).
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8, 6/12, 8/28

Standard - White Leghorn
$3.99 ea - Most popular Leghorn strains. Parent stock has avg. production of 278.5 eggs per year! (White egg)
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8, 6/12, 8/28

Standard - Rhode Island Red
$3.99 ea - The always popular "do everything" bird. Very cold hardy. (Brown egg)
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8, 6/12, 8/28

Standard - N. Hampshire Red
$3.99 ea - Hardy, fast-growing, and have a friendly yet energetic demeanor, making them prolific layers of large brown eggs.
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8, 6/12, 8/28

Unique - Ameraucana
$4.99 ea - Birds vary in color and size. Also known as the Easter bird for the colored eggs they lay.
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8, 6/12

Unique - Buff Orpington
$4.99 ea - High quality egg producer, quiet temperament, friendly disposition. (Brown egg).
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8, 6/12

Unique - Speckled Sussex
$4.99 ea - Friendly, docile, and easy to handle. A great breed for families. (Light Brown Eggs)
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8, 6/12

Unique - Polish/Crested (SR Only)
$4.99 ea - Sociable and curious, though slower to mature, and lay a modest number of white eggs.
Delivery: 5/8, 6/12

Unique - Buff Brahmas
$4.99 ea - Buff Brahmas are calm, slow-growing birds with feathered legs and produce a steady supply of medium brown eggs.
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8, 6/12

Unique - Blue Laced Gold Wynadotte
$4.99 ea - BL Gold chickens are active and productive layers with a balanced growth rate and pleasant temperament.
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8, 6/12

Unique - Olive Egger
$4.99 ea - Comes in virtually any and every color-a wildcard. (Green eggs, no ham)
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8, 6/12

Special - Lavender Oprington
$9.99 ea - Solid muted violet or blue bird with a very pet-like and friendly demeanor. (Brown eggs)
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8

Special - Blue Cuckoo Maran
$9.99 ea - Blue Cuckoo Marans are friendly, steady growers that lay dark chocolate-colored eggs.
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8

Asst. Feather-Legged Bantam (SR)
$5.49 ea - Hatchery Choice (Silkie, Brahma, Cochin, Frizzle) Miniature Chickens usually 1/4th - 1/5th the size that are known for assorted and unique feather patterns.
Delivery: 5/8, 6/12

Special - Blue Australorp
$9.99 ea - Blue Australorps are gentle, fast-growing birds prized for their exceptional egg-laying capabilities, producing light brown eggs consistently.
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8

Rare - Chocolate Orpington
$13.49 ea - Extremely Limited Qty. Chocolate Orpingtons are docile, slow-growing birds that lay a moderate number of light brown eggs and are suitable for meat.
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8

Rare - Bielefelder
$13.49 ea - Extremely Limited Qty. Bielefelders are gentle, easygoing chickens that grow rapidly and produce a high yield of brown eggs.
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8

Rare - Lavender Maran
$1349 ea - Extremely Limited Qty. Lavender Marans have calm temperaments, grow steadily, and lay beautiful light purple-tinted eggs.
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8

Rare - Isbar Blue
$13.49 ea - Extremely Limited Qty. Isbar Blues are hardy, active birds with a curious nature and lay a steady supply of green eggs.
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8
Pullets (Approx. 16 Weeks)
(3 Bird Minimum)

Pullet - Hyline Brown
$16.49 ea; $15.99, 15-49; $15.49, 50+
Brown Egg Layers with trimmed beaks. Delivery: Mid-August (exact date TBD)
50% deposit for 15+ orders, non-refundable.
Straight Run (3 Bird Minimum)

$8.49 ea - Magpie ducks are friendly, hardy birds that grow quickly and are moderate egg layers.
Delivery: 5/22 only

$8.49 ea - Known for their black feathers with a green sheen. A cold hardy breed that is docile and easy to handle.
Delivery: 5/22 only

Indian Runners
$8.49 ea - Long and sleek bodies that stand upright, they do not waddle and run. Very prolific egg layers.
Delivery Date: 5/22 only
Meat Birds
Straight Run Only (4 Bird Minimum)

Jumbo Cornish Rock
$2.99 ea - Tender, tasty, better flavored meat. Grows to 4 lb. market weight in just 7-8 weeks.
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8, 6/12, 7/10, 8/28

Freedom Rangers
$2.99 ea - Perfect for free-ranging environments. Grows 4-5 lb. in 9-11 weeks.
Delivery: 4/3, 5/8, 6/12, 7/10
French Guinea Fowl
Straight Run (4 Bird Minimum)

French Guinea Fowl
$7.49 ea -Great "watch dog" for your existing flock, very vocal birds, wonderful at tick control & prevention.
Delivery: 5/8, 6/12
Straight Run (3 Bird Minimum)

Hatchery Choice - Chinese
$13.99 ea - Highly intelligent and inquisitive. Become more docile with human interaction. Great flock protectors.
Delivery: 7/10

Hatchery Choice - African
$13.99 ea - Highly intelligent and inquisitive. Become more docile with human interaction. Great flock protectors.
Delivery: 7/10
Straight Run (4 Bird Minimum)

Broad-Breast Bronze
$12.49 ea - Great free range bird with good growth rates & body confirmation and feed conversion.
Delivery: 5/22 only

Broad-Breast White
$9.99 ea - Fast growth birds can exceed 18 lbs in 14 weeks & could exceed 28lbs in 20 weeks!
Delivery: 5/22, 7/10